Check back next week for some double posting action. I will scan some "How to Train Your Dragon" artwork this weekend and post it on Tuesday and will follow up with some personal stuff on friday. I'm hoping to keep up this pace. Let's see how it goes.

Line Tool spaceshapes - Some experimenting in photoshop. I use the polygon lasso tool for the big masses, refine with eraser and brush and render form mostly with the line tool set to different opacity. It liberates you from the world of custom brushes that has taken over digital painting.

Not Quite a Helicopter - Rough sketches from a project that was not quite meant to be. It lives on in another interation and was fun to work on while it lasted.

For Fun - This is an old jpeg from an older sketchbook - probably circa 2004-5. I was very excited about some spaceship sketches I had seen in Scott Robertson's sketchbook and set out to do thumbnails for 500 unique spaceships. This is a small sampling of them. I'm hoping to find the book and update this post with better scans.
Really great work man. Been a fan since the Huntsman days. Glad to see more posts now!
Dang Mike! Love the post.. Taken em` back I see.
love them all, mike.
love them all, mike.
These are awesome mike!
Oh man - I'm teaching a concept art class at MICA right now, and this post is gold for that. It's perfect for the kind of experimentation I'm trying to get them into.
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