Animals in Cars - I was invited to participate in a Gallery Nucleus show and contributed these two pieces. I'm obsessed with cars and combined that with my favorite childhood illustrator Richard Scary. It was my first gallery show and I was amazed that the pieces had sold before I arrived at the opening.

More Animals in cars - Some color sketching in photoshop over a few loose pencil drawings. I'm hoping to have time to finish these and complete more. I'm imagining a world of these guys. could be a fun thing to see.

From the sketchbook - A few other pages with animals and vehicles. They need some way to get around. Plus they also really seem to enjoy snowboarding.
Welcome back!
I am not in the cute business, but it makes me think about it.
Mouses in the hummer... priceless.
I am sure that my daughters will love me a bit more again, when I show it to them.
yayy these are are so cutee im glad you're finally posting! :D
Your work is fantastic! I'm glad Victoria posted these on her blog :)!
wtf art
awesome! wish i coulda snagged on @ nucleus :)
They are soooo adorable.
great stuff.. good to see new work from you
no wai :0 you post!
hooray!! How to train your dragon stuff please!
glad to see some updates. Keep em coming!
These are all bad ass!!
adorable! looking forward to lots more.
Hey Mike! These are awesome,
Can't wait to see more!!
Wow, these are so amazing!!!
Thanks for the comments guys. I'm glad to see that people found their way here.
@Szabó Jenő - The cute business is a new development. I'm trying to broaden my artistic horizons.
Realllly awesome post! :)
love it!
can't get over the third image. freakin' awesome
JEEEEZZZZ! how much i love those!!!!!!
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