Monday, December 23, 2013

New Developments at

Hello All,

As you may have noticed, I’ve neglected posting here for some time. However, good news!

I and my lovely wife, have joined our blogs. We are posting together on our site or for the blog. Starting on January 1st, 2014, we’re going to go to a new blog format. We will post three times a week - Monday, Wednesday, & Friday.

Mondays will be devoted to articles, tutorials, thoughts on art and the industry, artist interviews, and reader questions & answers.

Wednesdays & Fridays will be the days we’ll share art - Wednesday will be Victoria and Friday will be me.

Each month will be centered around a core idea. (Ira Glass voice) 2014 will begin with the theme - Tabula Rasa or literally “blank slate.” We’ll explore this idea different ways each of the five weeks of January -

  • In the beginning - Our start as artists (interview/podcast)
  • 2013 in review & what lies ahead for 2014
  • Q&A - If you have a question(art, life, design, the industry) you’d like our input on, please visit and fill out the form to submit your questions. Questions will be reviewed & you will be contacted if your question is selected.
  • Fill the blank page - starting a new project(tutorial)
  • Don’t break the chain - Strategies for keeping your resolutions along with ours for the year

I invite you to join us on this grand adventure.
