Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Visual Development class Demo

This is our demo from our Visual Development class last night. We try to keep things down to an hour which is a fun challenge each time. Vicky acted as the art director and gave me notes as I progressed with the painting. This is from our class project which is a retelling of Pinocchio set in Tibet. This shows the god Shinje, the tibetan god of death confronting Pinocchio & Gepatto.


  1. WOW. This is incredible!!!

    By the way, it was super fun meeting you two at CTN. I kept on going back to your booth because your works are great. Thanks for signing my fox print!

  2. Awesome Mike. I wish I could attend CTN. Come to Comicon NYC!!

  3. In only an hour, wow i am very impressed!

  4. Holy sh#t! I want to work on that project!! Nice!
