Tuesday, November 15, 2011

CTN Expo 2011 :: Table T-45 :: 3 days left in Giveaway!

This upcoming weekend (Nov 18-20) is the annual CTN Animation Expo. If you aren't familiar with it, imagine a comic con centered around the art and craft of animation. It's being held at the Burbank Marriott directly across from Bob Hope Airport. You can find more information about attending on their website.

I will be sharing booth duties at table T-45 with my talented wife. We're going to have copies of our latest projects - Freckles and Zoom Zoo - along with prints, pins, originals & more. Stop by to say hi and peruse our wares. It's always fun to meet new people and connect faces with names.

We're also doing a few events at the show. You can find them listed on the above flyer or you can follow our twitters for up to date information.

GIVEAWAY! 3 Days Left!

Don't forget about the Zoom Zoo Card giveaway. It continues and the competition is fierce.

I can't believe the positive response. I'm adding a second prize - a small set of prints I'm going to be selling at CTN.

There are TWO way to enter.

1) Comment on my blog from now until November 18th

2) Tweet about it! Use @michaelyamada and mention #zoomzoo for a second chance!

Each entry will boost your chances!


  1. You are a great dude. i must shake your hand at the CTNs

  2. That card preview looks fantastic! Can't wait to see the rest :)

  3. I absolutely love the zoom zoo cards, and had no idea about your lovely talented lady! I'll go check out her seemingly awesome stuff! Good luck with the con, and all the best, wish I could go!

  4. those zoo cards look like they turned out great.

  5. Good luck with the convention! Love your work! :) Wish I could be there in person to get some of those cards.

  6. Hey man, I look forward in meeting you at CTN I love the blog.

  7. I love those cards! They are adorable!

  8. Stumbled upon your blog recently. Very very inspiring work, man!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Your art is so wonderful! I hope to meet you this weekend at CTN! :)

  11. I'd like to enter. The cards look amazing!

  12. these cards are aces, man. keep up the good work.

  13. zoom zoo cards are awesome. Really admire your art.

  14. Wow, what an awesome idea and theme for a collection of illustrations, very clever! I have a four year old and he would love these cards. Great job!

  15. I'ma come visit you dudes for sure! :)

  16. Awesome artwork, keep up the good job!!!

  17. please let me know if these ever get released for sale. I'd so love to own a set.
