Friday, June 24, 2011

Cartoon Rhinos always drive Rocket Cars

Started this yesterday and finished up at lunch today. This is most definitely not Kung Fu Panda 2, but I'll throw up a post next week taking you through my design process for one of the locations. And that will be it for panda. I promise.


  1. All these cartoons in cars are so cool! I want to see them in a cartoon!

  2. nice! the depth of field you've been adding completely sells the 3d. great work!

  3. That's awesome! And I love the way you've painted it.

  4. Looks like fun, I wouldn't mind going for a spin in that! Is the odd-shaped windscreen designed to accommodate the massive rhino head? I look forward to your KFP2 location walkthrough!

  5. Beautiful work...I especially love this piece.

  6. lovely!! hey did you use any image editing software? if you did, could you give me the link of it? I want to download it
