Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sketchbook Doodle & First page of KFP2 Artbook

Posting early since I'm going to be away from the computer for the rest of the week. This time just a quick sketchbook drawing hit with some color in photoshop. I've always been fascinated with drawing rickety old structures with weird tech.

I found out this morning that the artbook for Kung Fu Panda 2 has been available for a week or so. I had a chance to look through it today and saw that I got the first page inside the book. I have a big post of work I did for the movie next week, but here's that first image. Pick up the book at amazon and see KFP2 when it opens on the 26th


  1. sweet quicksketch, mike. Got a lot of shapes and info down with so little. very cool! diggin the colors too. A lot to be admired here.
    Congrats on getting a big showing in the art book too.

    I love this doodle, it looks so organic!!
    I'm really glad i have stumbled across your blog!
    What a great find. Really lovely work.
    I'll make sure i come back soon!!
    Thanks for sharing,
    Best wishes and kind regards,
    Tori Cat.x

  3. Just bought the Kung-fun panda 2 artbook! Love it very much!!! =D Found your painting in the first page. awesome~!!
