Saturday, April 2, 2011

Bee Movie Production Artwork

It's been a rough week. I've been fighting being sick and haven't had the energy to do much of anything. Here is some work I had sitting on my hard drive. Bee Movie was my second project at Dreamworks. I'm not sure how many people remember the movie, but it was a project produced in cooperation with Jerry Seinfeld. I didn't get the opportunity to do much artwork due to how the art department was run and the assignments I was given. I spent much of my time doing graphic design for objects populating the world - posters, signs, food packaging, street signs. Here are the few things I actually got to design/draw.

Interior of a Truck -

Bee Vehicles -

Limo Interior -


  1. I remember the movie!
    ...well, I didn't watch it, but I DO remember it.

    Very nice interiors, btw! I can almost feel that luxurious wood paneling.

    Hope you feel better!

  2. My daughter and I love the Bee Movie! Of course, we remember it!!! Good stuff, we thought/ think, & seems like it was quite underrated now, thinking back. Nevertheless, we still watch it from time to time & probably always will.
