Saturday, February 12, 2011

Blogging is hard business

It's been only a few weeks and I can't believe how hard it to to keep on top of posting on this blog. Usually it's friday night and I realize I've forgotten and i spent the night sifting through my hard drive to find something that isn't too embarrassing to share. I'm not sure how some people are able to do it everyday or even every twice a week. Show-offs.

Here are a few quick WIP/quick sketches I like to do at work when I take a break. For some reason my default brain-off relaxation painting/sketching topic are space ships.

Sci-Fi Blob pt2 - A mech walker inspired from the work on Scott Robertson's blog. A pretty terrible design, but it was fun to noodle around and play with the painting. I would love to have the time to fix the design and finish painting it.

Sci-Fi Blobs - More experiments in process that ended up being some sort of sci-fi space ship shapes. Played with line tool, custom shapes and a few other things. Not quite a workable process but was it was fun doing these during short breaks at work..


  1. Really kool stuff!! love the mech walker!

  2. That first one is great, very expressive painterly style, exellent use of colour, even as an unfinished work

  3. That first one is great, very expressive painterly style, exellent use of colour, even as an unfinished work
