Saturday, January 22, 2011

Crazy Cat Person

When I was growing up my family always had dogs and I always thought I was a dog person. That started changing when when I started dating my girlfriend who had a cat. A few years ago we ended up adopting another cat who firmly sold me on the idea of cats as a pet.

During my breaks at work, I do small little paintings like these to amuse myself and my girlfriend. Usually they revolve around a fantasy world where they are capable of doing anything or dramatizations of things in real life.

Snowboarding Cat - I still never got over the idea that cats were terrified of new places and wish they were more like dogs in that respect. Then again people never take their cats anywhere. How would you know they wouldn't like snow?

Shaved Butt - My girlfriend's cat is old and is uninterested in grooming herself. We took her to get partially shaved. A "Cat Brazilian" they called it.

The Party Cart - I thought he might want to help out during the christmas party. He also doesn't drink. Might be a good designated driver if he could reach the pedals.


  1. bahaha! what an amazing post! the first two cats have so much character!

  2. Ahaha, these are great! Not-amused cat steals the show.

  3. WOW, #2 is ridiculous! hahaha great stuff

  4. These and just about everything else on here is great. Thanks for the blog visit and to answer your question: the thumbnails are usually around 3 inches wide.

  5. Hahaha, these are amazing! I had never heard of cat Brazilians before!

    I also grew up around dogs while my boyfriend is a total cat person..I'm currently going through the conversion process.

  6. haha, love these. the shaved butt is awesome!!
